Did You Know?
Apparently, "Jakarta" is also the Korean term for "The Perfect Crime". This gives a whole new (but not entirely unfamiliar) meaning to the city slogan "Enjoy Jakarta!"
Viewing (Indonesian) Life with Pants Over the Face
Apparently, "Jakarta" is also the Korean term for "The Perfect Crime". This gives a whole new (but not entirely unfamiliar) meaning to the city slogan "Enjoy Jakarta!"
Waks serius?
di linknya ga ada keterangan ttg "jakarta" man
Ada di paragraf pertama, Nda: ...Do all these events happen by pure chance or someone really planning everything to commit "Jakarta?" Which mean: "The Perfect Crime."
jangan diiklanin di korea kalo gitu L)
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Pretty amusing, indeed.
Well, actually it's 'Jakareuta'.... and if you ask me to translate it, it would become 'The Peurfect Crime'.
Hi hi hi.
Man, gue cuman mau numpang ketawa utk yang I'm so depressed - this is true dibawah..
...What a terrible TV show! Was it good for you, too?
Weheh, cukup menantang, snydez, mengingat Korea lagi jadi pangsa pasar utama wisata ke Indonesia tahun ini.
Sounds like a burping crime if you ask me, dear von.
Yes, kind of summarizes our sinetron experience, serenity.
hmmm... baru tau jg tuh
ngga nyangka ada yang bisa begini..
Saya link boleh ya :)
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