The Conclusion...
...of The Cool War!
Concerning vonEbenhaum and Lei's concern about the warning labels, yes... Indonesia wins a point in the Cool War.
Why? Because
- Indonesian companies don't try to protect their consumers with labels that underestimate their intelligence.
- As a matter of fact, these companies don't try to protect their consumers at all.
So, the current standing is--drum rolls please (harmful if swallowed)--America 194, and Indonesia 194.
We have a TIE! And the deadline's up.
So be it. After a year of rigorous research, I officially conclude that neither country is cooler than the other. Which isn't a really good cause for celebration, either way. Because for all the points, we can replace the word "cool" with "stupid". But at least Indonesians and Americans won't fumble around finding out which one comes first: boiling the potatoes or mashing them?
Oh, no. We'll laugh at the silliness of the question and say, "You have to boil them first?"
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